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968 NW Garfield Avenue
United States


Giving Tree Program


Each year, Vina Moses Center brings the community together to give 11,000+ free gifts to children and 1,000 meals to families during the holidays.



December 10 - 15

Vina Moses Center’s Giving Tree Program provides new gifts for children (ages 0-18) as well as holiday décor and a family meal all at no cost.

  • New gifts for kids (0-18)

  • Family meal

  • Holiday décor

Entry requires enrollment. No walk-ins! Benton County residents only


10 - 15 de Diciembre

El Arbolito generoso del centro de Vina Moses ofrece nuevos regalos para los niños (edad 0-18). También ofrecemos decoraciones navideñas y una comida familiar, todo sin costo.

  • Regalos nuevos para niños (0-18)

  • Cena familiar

  • Decoraciones navideñas

    La tienda de Navidad Vina Moses está abierta con cita previa. Para residentes de el condado Benton.

Live Trees

We will have a limited amount of live trees available at no cost. Pickup required at a local lot off-site.

we are out of trees at this time.


looking to get involved?

Click the button below to learn about about how to give a gift, donate money or volunteer.